The world hates me

Girls / women aren´t too concern on love at my age, but on money (and the things they think they need as sex). I don´t regret telling you this, because these are the things I have seen (and widely lived out).

Additionally, as you are seeking advice, don´t show them you have self pity. They will see you "weak", "unlovable"... once you´ve shown you real concern and, perhaps, that is probably based on a recurrent rejection you might have felt (or so).

You are not a demon, you are not an evil and, the human EGO is the hardest thing to beat and conquer within ourselves.

Besides, ABSOLUTELLY confirmed: Love is a gift! That is a God´s given gift.

Save a lot, work a lot! (Money is blindly $ought, and it´s needed to keep things going on)

Just look at Michael Jackson, he had problems to accept himself the color of his skin and the face he had, and he did what he thought he needed to be accepted but, the real thing drawing people to him was: Money, Fame... Although I like his music, he was highly talented (but a loner somehow). So you´d better change that to avoid being a loner.

I´m a loner. I don´t regret it too much now and, besides, I´m happy because -one day- my search will be over (while I´m getting older).

May GOD give you a person WHO LOVES YOU for the person you are.

The thing is, when you get too much money -when you dress up the way they would like you more... Will they love you for the person you are? ( Or for the person they think you are? Or the one they think you should be? )

Will you change (and renounce) the person you really are?

Isn´t it that a denial of the person you actually are?

The most important thing in life is acceptance (self-acceptance). I know I can love a person who has got AIDS, who is sick or facing some temporal ailments but, one who feels self pity, one who wants me to be another person I am not, is a pain in the butt I cannot bear.

What´s wrong in you? I see nothing wrong and WITHIN YOU -your soul- is the real man you are: Just polish that inner man who has felt despised and hurt, because any nice present would come in a fancy box, with a beautiful red ribbon, but THE INSIDE OF EACH PERSON is what really matters, as a gift.

Stop hurting yourself! You don´t deserve that.

The only person I know worths my resignation, my renouncing and surrendering of all is GOD.

There´s no one else who would give me THE BEST, than He.

Accept the man (or woman) you are: He loves us the way we are: Big or fat, young or old.

He loves us all!

Let´s suppose you´ve got a haircut, What would be the next thing people would like to change in you?

Persons are easy to ask things, but meager to give them, instead.

In my case (this week) I tried to please the woman I liked and, expending the last night in her bedroom, she told me: "I don´t like your feet"...

What? “Another thing”, I said to myself.

Wow! Do I have any power to make my feet be liked? Will I hide them with socks?

I have received two haircuts lately, in less than 15 days.

Each time I went her home she wanted me shaved and she -herself- cut my hair off, to "look" the way she liked me...

How could I change my feet to please her, this time (or another time)?

My understanding is this: If a person if not really liked, it is Ok but, if I don´t like myself, I would remain hopeless and, fortunately, my feet is an average feet, 7 inches, these are complete and functional but, What about those who cannot walk, work or dance?

What if any tell them: "I don´t like you feet", "you leg", "your eyes", etc. That is a simple rejection!

She (or he) is not lying when telling “their opinion”, but don´t you dare to tell them yours: They will hurt you the more.

Who am I to ask beauty, if I am not an Adonis, or a wealthy prince?

The world is so selfish, so mundane, that I regret telling you my secular life and this fresh experience I´m sharing, but I´m sure that there´s much more than appearance involved: Unholy rejection.

If a person is not accepted the person he is -as friends- he has the right to flee from those who lie with their hypocrisy or mild "kindness"; because no one is really ugly or beautiful (just within the mind of the person who perceives such ideas of ugliness or beauty).

As a man, I know what I can freely reject from a woman and also know what they reject; but I don´t have enough freedom to expose all I have learnt and also, I don´t have the permission to publish the opinions and those things my friends have said... Just one example (because I see this very personal):

I have a friend, a neighbor, who is married. We had a famous singer who lived in our tiny town and, the moment she married certain wealthy man, my friend said: "I wish I could marry a man like that. He is ugly, ugly as a sin... but he owns several universities (in Venezuela) and I wish I had married one like this... He is ugly, but beautifully rich".

That is not the view of all Christian women but, families, somewhat, had played the role of a pimp when telling their children: "Marry this" or "leave that man for this", because priorities are set on beauty, money, sex. etc. and, as Jesus said: "Your heart is where your treasure is". ( Mat_6:21, Luk_12:34 )

I agree and believe in Jesus, the Lord and the Christ; but we -too often- set values on earthly and corruptible temporal things.

I had two haircuts in two weeks but -inwardly- I am the same and, of course, I will not change by outer means.

Acceptance, too, is another form of love and I spent years to accept myself; because I used to think the way the world wanted me to think and Jesus said:

Joh 15:18 "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.

Joh 7:7 The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I say that what everyone does is evil.

Joh 15:19 If you had anything in common with the world, the world would love you as one of its own. But you don't have anything in common with the world. I chose you from the world, and that's why the world hates you.

May His grace reach us all.”


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