"Why are there so many denominations? Why is the church divided?"

Although I don't have an answer to that though question I see an analogy on the Scripture I can't elaborate to make it simple:

1) Abraham "saved" Lot willingly and humanly (when he was kidnapped). He did it with the help of 300 men he found inside his household and with the ppl of 3 friends (and fighters) he had (that were also rewarded with the things they kept, after the warring job was finished).

2) Abraham spiritually "saved" Lot when Sodom and Gomorrah were bound to be destroyed by two angels commanded by God. He made a plea when God told him those cities would be utterly destroyed and Abraham begged God to spare the life of those few He would find...

I see the same "physical" salvation some churches think THEY have with their dogmas, sectarianism and dogmatical bias and the Lord is an image of what Abraham did for his relative Lot: He would save those He knows are worthy to be SPIRITUALLY saved, since denominations "saved" from other denominations, and the spiritual one is received from God and His Son.


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