Is there a way to find out a personal God?

Few days ago I received an encouraging email from Mrs Beth.

I liked most of the things I've read and asked her permission to share those tips she gave at 👇

Although I don't completely agree the whole Bible (and its translations) are God's breathed words (particularly the greek New Testament) the Scripture has its saying.

If you ppl are alone, and try to find a way to get close to an "unapproachable" God and His will, perhaps we had better reading what this kind lady published to help us, somehow and few of these tips could be, as she said: 👇

" 1 – Spend the first 1/2 hour (at least), and the last 15 minutes of your day with God.  Set an appointment with Him, time and place, and keep it! In this place, have a notebook or paper, a pencil or pen, and your Bible. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, and meet with your Creator, Friend, Lover, Savior, and Lord!

2 – Find a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching, Bible-reading, Bible-living church, and become part of it. God established the church for many reasons.  Among the most important are, fellowship, encouragement, opportunities to learn, opportunities to teach, and accountability. All of these areas are crucial in your walk with Christ. "

And much more! 😇



Now on I disbelieve in such a Jesus


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