Love God

For decades I found it weird loving God. I could not understand why it was rare a woman (or a man) would like Him more than any other person. I grew up close to a Catholic church. I couldn´t see deep inside other things in the life of some Catholic priests I met. I found it very odd women or men would love someone they would never touch or hear and, in my primary school, I could not understand way men left part of their secular life to live as “saints” or women who left their homes to live with other women who have left their common life and some human longings.

I guessed many men had problems to love God, since He is seen as a man. I guessed many man needed the image of “Mary” to draw near God -as father- and Mary as the missing mother. Many lacked a supportive home, many had lost mom and dad, and they badly needed a family so, religion filled their emptiness, and no wonder some may they say: “If God and Mary will”...

Many turned to serve in a religion for being well disappointed of the world they wanted to live. People disappointed them and I myself had the wrong idea of thinking it would serve me to be far and isolated but, when considering their idolatry, the wrong beliefs I don´t have and cannot cope with, I shrank. 

Love, the way I understood it, was around the physical beauty I like, holding bodies, feeling visceral endorphine fluids and all that stuff involved with the ego and its passions: That is the Eros I thought it was first love. 

Out of my many misconceptions, the Old Testament says: “...Fear the Lord... love Him... with all your heart and with all your soul...” Deut. 10:12-13

I grew up in a nominal Catholic home. They knew too little of the Bible and “the Knowledge” they got was a second or a third hand experience of God (so they weren´t able to teach me about God). They had heard of the ten commandments and, when they think it right -at convenience- they failed to keep them as I did, as I do (I´m not any better than them and, certainly, not worst than many).

Yesterday I saw three men assaulted a man to steal him. One had the gun and the other two were “a shield” to avoid the man wearing the gun were seen from the public side of the dead-end street my mother lives... Why are so many people breaking the law? Firstly, we all are law breakers. Secondly, no one reinforces the law and thirdly (the most important fault we have to see) it´s we are not teaching the 10 commandments!

Deut. 32:46-47 says: “... you shall command YOUR CHILDREN to be careful to observe -all the words of this LAW...”

Are we doing this?

Christianity is just a section of many beliefs. Judaism is just a section of a big world which believes whatever thing we are pleased to do or believe.

We can blame society and the government but we, as Christians, are guilty too.

We can say God seems to be busy in His endless business, but we are taking long coffee breaks not telling our children “God enforces His law and will punish sin eternally”... Just see “eternity” begins here, now, on earth.

We received the command to teach OUR children, and we are unwilling to preach on us and on those we say “we cannot love” for the way they behave, for the condition they are now.

Society begins at home. Our loved ones are ours to be taught about God and his commandments. We can say we have no neighbors, we can bypass other families telling “they aren´t part of our responsibilities or duties” That´s quite right! But, when those children are grown up, their misbehavior, THEIR SINS, will affect us... I wish you were in Venezuela to see how! (I´m sure you have a broader scope on how Gomorrah or Sodom were, but I´m feeling like Jonas and asked God to help me be ultimately relocated abroad).

Most of the nations lack moms and dads teaching about God. We cannot love each other lacking God´s love and His enduring patience. Countries are ruled by evil man willing to make their business inside their government. Very few are chosen by moral values or Christian standards. God knows how hearts change while we work in the government or managing people. See Saul when he was a king. See many who were there to rule...

Loving God is a must. We cannot love Him when disobeying His laws. Human “love” is not holy without Him. Human laws are not always fair, but God´s are fair and just.

It´s true that you will not be welcomed at your own home, your loved ones or at your own people. You will not be heard in your hometown or country but, as soon as you turn to God, He will help you to be heard, same way He did with Moses or Jesus. The thing is submission! (You´ll be under His hand and His mission).

I said that I understand why men turned to “Mary” because she “gives” the female image many men haven´t seen in a nurturing Father who is willing to give His breast or chest. Jesus used a parable of a hen looking after their chicken in Israel. Have you seen that “female” side of God, who created man as man and woman to be a woman? God has not an unholy approach to sex, since He created it for our joy and to get children, as men or women.

I just felt like holding back some tears -within me- when thinking about the way God is: Have you ever thought He is jealous about you and because of you?

Ezekiel has a long chapter showing God is jealous about Israel. He saw “her” as His woman. One who went away -like an adulterer- and God preached and, after telling her His truths and point of view, He wooes her, He forgives her... That´s His “masculine” side and standpoint!

Why does God want me to love Him? Because His commandments are OUR life and for OUR good (Deut. 32:46-47)

We wrongly learned the law is restrictive. I believed each law is not to set us free (and here I´m thankful for the reading of “Experiencing God”, by Henry T. Blackby and Claude V. King). Why do you asked your children not to run? Did you asked anything of them to be selfishly pleased or to keep them safe and alive?

When I gave my hand to my children it was to PROTECT them, to avoid them fall. When I walked with them, it wasn´t to show I was their bossy Dad, but to look after them, to share my life with them within a caring relationship.

Today, we missed that godly command to teach our children and endorsed OUR responsibility on public teachers and on a society of pagans or “free” sinners. We´re not living the life God planned for us, but the life the evil one gave the world.

My whole life needs being in love with God. Human freedom comes when I submit myself to what God requires in His loving directions and commandments. Human law codes are but a bad copy of God´s plan for us, spiritual and human beings. I cannot love you if I don´t love God well. I cannot love me, if I don´t love God´s design in me. I will not find you if I try myself, alone, without God´s directions: God made me to love Him first! Later on He will give me what I lacked and searched alone.

I spent 50 years to find nothing. This morning I saw how I felt when meeting one woman I once loved, more than my life. Does it feel good? Have you seen why many came to be hermits or priests?

God made this world so we could turn back to Him. You may own your world and something -deep inside you- cannot be quenched (and it is His love).  It is real love! (an enduring one).

Well! Suppose you have sorted out your personal dislike about you. You have overcome resentments and fully acceptance comes for you and for others. Great! Does this comes from others? You love you and began to love others... Do they love you, as you are?

There would be a moment when you could feel despised, dismissed and not heard. Does this affect you? Of course! It could be any moment when you are old or young. There´s not a clear time for that to happen but, how will you deal it?

Job felt his life miserable, his wife showed little respect when saw him sick... Noah lived an evil time and God destroyed it to build a new world order and it is us, humans, who failed (up to the point sometimes God withdrew from avoiding human massive destructions). Has not He told He will punish our sins and transgressions?

We don´t love God because we don´t obey Him. If we trust and love Him we would do what He has said would please Him.

The society of unbelievers we are in hates God. Uncommitted Christians and Jews do not love Him enough because WE are not doing what He asked to be done and this is teaching all children to trust and obey Him FIRST.

The life we “live” is part of the things we did and failed to do. We prosper if we work, if we do things right and, of course, if you did things well. I could be failing as someone else is... We live in the society we built. If you work, someone else could be lazy (it could be me, your loved ones or you).

I hope these few ideas help you to develop a plan to attack the enemy. I´m convinced I don´t belong to the society I was raised, this, where I am in. You can build a big fence to leave your neighbor out and alone, but he is a transgressor (same way you are or were). You can uproot your trees far from those walls you built, but even dogs feed on your good fruits. Who can be uprooted far from this human soil? Dogs barked at the wrong trees...

Gomorrah is not a corner stone, but biblical history. Evil will not prevail... But I´m doing so little to get it removed, that I want to run away, far from these people I don´t belong, because I don´t know how to love them.



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